Faith studies, small groups, and more!

Community Garden

Weekly weeding, watering, and harvesting! Contact Rebecca Morrison or join the community garden - FPC facebook group. 

Creation Care Team

Creation Care Sunday School | See Newsletter for weekly topics and scheduling!

9:45 AM during SS hour unless otherwise announced. 

Faith Stretchers

Monthly Book Study | Fourth Mondays, 7:30 p.m. |  Group discussion with shared leadership 

[Find updates in the Newsletter]

Footsteps in Fellowship

Join the young and young at heart adults of First Pres for a time of fellowship, devotion and friendship. Looking to get to know others in the church during Sunday School hour? Come join us upstairs in the Sutton Room. We occasionally plan service projects and spend time together outside of worship. All are welcome! 

Men’s Bible Study

Weekly Bible Study | Fridays, 7:00 a.m. | Graham Room | Shared leadership

Pub Theology

Monthly chat | Open to all topics | All welcome, drinking not required!

Group discussion with shared leadership [ usually meets at water street kitchen unless otherwise noted ]

Women’s Study

Weekly Book Study | Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. | Graham Room | Shared leadership

[Contact Pastor Amanda]

Women’s Connection

Monthly Dinner | 2nd & 4th Thursdays | 6 PM | Graham Room | Shared Leadership 

Please review the weekly newsletter for updates and menus (if sharing a meal that night)!

[Contact Pastor Amanda]


A group for those wanting to share space with one another | Events to be announced in weekly newsletter |

Contact [Vicki Mercer]


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