What does FPC believe?

We are a Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation that does not adhere to a single statement of faith but rather to a collection of twelve creeds and statements dating from the fourth to the twentieth centuries. 

We believe in compassion in action - being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Click here to get involved and serve. 

We value Christian Education. We encourage discourse, study, and reflection. Asking questions is a form of deepening our relationships with one another and with God. We welcome a variety of perspectives.

Ultimately, we look to Jesus as our guide and teacher. Of the 90 times Jesus was addressed directly in the gospels, 60 times he was called Teacher.



We are a Matthew 25 Church

What does that mean?

It means our Session has voted to pledge our congregation to this national mission initiative of the PC(USA). Read more about the pledge below! 

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Affiliations Links

PCUSA: www.pcusa.org 
Presbytery of Shenandoah: www.shenpres.org 
Camp Paddy Run: http://camppaddyrun.org
Synod of the Mid-Atlantic: http://synatlantic.org