We offer child care during our services. Children of all ages are encouraged to accompany their families for worship in the 8:30 service through the Children's Moment and then those aged 0-6 may move to room 107 for Wee Ones' Worship (W.O.W.) during the designated break in the service. For the 11 O'clock service, please move to room 106 during the passing of the peace. 

Children in first grade and older participate in worship with their families for the entire worship hour.  There are worship bags in a bin in the narthex and main hallway to aid children in worshipful activities while remaining with their families.

There is also a shelf of books outside the sanctuary in the main hallway where children can select a book to use in their own worship.

A paid professional and volunteers who have completed extensive training staff the childcare rooms.  First Presbyterian Church is a “Safe Sanctuaries” congregation.  “Safe Sanctuaries” consists of policies that help assure the safety of children and youth as well as their adult leaders.

Child Care Ministry Parent Handbook